The bi-polar nation and its petulant child
By barbara w. green
I am so amazed at how the events of these times are having such an adverse effect on me. “I am” affected by the politics of this season and the effects are surprising to me. I have come to look at the events in ways much as one would see a bi-polar diagnosis: there are extremes on each end.
One extreme seems totally unrealistic to me as the evidence proves the case. Joe Biden is the elected president of these “United” states. However, like a bi-polar diagnosis, the other extreme is visible as well. It proclaims its own false victory.
You have people on both sides who see things solely as they want. Such is the case of bipolar disorder. What is demonstrated by the person becomes the label or “diagnosis.” That is, in the case of a bipolar diagnosis, as one acts so is he/she labeled. In the case of this example, if one is a Republican or Democrat, he or she may skew — to the extreme — the way they view the thing, according to their view regardless of the evidence. In all truth, they need a professional to diagnose the case based on the evidence. Help can only be assessed in bipolar cases by a third entity.
Never have I seen the saying, “Trust, but verify” so appropriately connected to this election season and its bipolar circumstances.
It is okay for those who favor and trust President Donald Trump’s varied positions to do so. However, verification of his positions must be obliged, honored, and accepted as evidential. It is the right and just thing to do. If this were the case in the previous Presidential election and if former President Barack Obama had taken the position of Trump, the public would have been in an uproar at Obama’s stance. Ray Charles could see this.
Can you imagine what an uproar the country would have been facing? It would’ve potentially triggered a so-called race war. Those who would be favoring Obama would not have taken the extreme stance which Trump supporters are taking nor would their actions tethered with the absurd.
The cavalier attitude of these intense Trump supporters amazes me. Yes, I personally know some Trump supporters. Gratefully, the ones I know have not sought my opinion.
I believe they know what I would say: nothing. Manic divisiveness needs human actions to further its cause.
What I suggest we do is seek the whole counsel of God and ask that He have His way. (Which I believe, He already has.) Even if His way is not our way, He is Yahweh. I believe God knows exactly what He is doing and the parties involved on all extremes shall learn, after all is said and done, that it is God who is in control. It just seems a shame that when God is training His child, the rest of the children tend to get in the way. Sometimes, it is then, that all the children get spanked!
So, what am I saying?
Let those who think they have to stand up for the petulant, bipolar child while the Father punishes him, let them stand. But for the rest of us, let us pray that the petulant one not go too far before he, too, realizes his arms are too short to box with God.
Now, this is my opinion. I’m sure you have yours.
From her Inner Reflections’ office in Baton Rouge, BARBARA W. GREEN counsels individuals, families, and groups in person and virtually. She is a certified counselor, minister, and author of The Parent Anointing, The Great One, anda charge to keep.