A Give A Damn attitude is contagious

The Jozef Syndicate
2 min readFeb 27, 2019


Give A Damn: The Ticket to Cultural Change by Mark S. Lewis, another #JozefBooknBrew selection enjoyed with Popeye’s Southern Tea

Shift your mindset, make small and large unselfish gestures, and you will change the culture all because you give a damn. Sounds simple enough, right?

Author Mark S. Lewis believes it is, and he has penned an easy-to-grasp guide for anyone ready to re-connect to community and transform the culture.

Far from cliche, Lewis’ Give A Damn philosophy posits steps, scenarios, and challenges for readers to realign their habits with the core beliefs of treating people and society with care. It’s about reacting to each other positive and giving ways as frequently and genuinely as possible.

“Together we can push society back in the right direction, one person at a time until collectively we can make a difference. Give a Damn is the ticket to cultural change,” Lewis proclaims. His goal is to guide readers to a better mindset of becoming more conscious and caring without requirements of money, strength, or talent.

Give A Damn is ideal for readers who have decided to intentionally work on and deliberately change their selfish and irresponsible behaviors: those that surface in private and professional settings which are isolating, unjust, condescending — or just plain ole mean. Lewis challenges readers to act in big and small ways to help others, to be happier and more successful, to fulfill their purpose in life, and to make Give A Damn™ a big part of what they do no matter the path they take.

A Give A Damn™ attitude is contagious, he writes. It is being more attentive and more appreciative. It means valuing and respecting others in every way, valuing their time, feelings, background, perspective, and preferences. He provides very specific steps to start a Give A Damn movement. Read this book with a team of colleagues, friends, or family and watch the transformation.

Much like Michael Gladwell’s thoughtful but simple presentations that combine theory and life application, this book — written by the former executive of the Louisiana Technology Council — offers anecdotes that reiterate the simplistic behavior shifts that Lewis believes will improve society. Lewis wrote this can be done with accountability, responsibility, trustworthiness, caring for others, character, and generosity of spirit.

If readers glean only one motivation from the plethora the book offers, it should be Lewis’ wife’s favorite saying, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you even can!”

BuytheBook and give a damn

By candacejsemien The Jozef Syndicate



The Jozef Syndicate

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